Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Enter into HIS gates with Thanksgiving! God has been so good to us. We have a lot to thank HIM for. For example: life, grace, mercy, family, friends, abilities, and access to life more abundantly.
Let’s praise the LORD at all times! HE has done all things well. We always have a reason to say “Good job!” To GOD.
We have all sinned, so we all need forgiveness. GOD wants to forgive us. Let us humbly pray for help and restoration.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Watch this clip and try to remember what God did on the first 7 days.
God is real, and there is only one God. Although we cannot see God, he manifests himself to us in many ways. Although he manifests himself to us in many ways, there is still only one God.
The Bible is Important
The Bible teaches us so much. Let us be intentional about reading it regularly. Further, let us commit to applying its teachings step by step and day by day.
God’s Grace
Say The Books Of The Old Testament
Say The Books Of The New Testament
Jesus, Name Above All Names
Ruth sings: Jesus, Name Above All Names
Thou Art Worthy
The Bible teaches us that our purpose is to please God. Always remember that you have a purpose. You are here for a reason. You are here to please God. We are privileged. He is worthy.